Monday, December 7, 2009

The Winners Have Been Picked Handmade Giveaway

Thanks so much for participating in the handmade giveaway.  The winners will be contacted by tomorrow. :) If winners would like to contact me with your email please feel free.  Thanks.

Day 1 - Snugnluv (Pattern of your choice)
15 Pam CC Mouse
31 Canadian Mama 
25 SandyM204
Day 2 - By Your Side( Itty Bitty Travel Bag)
7 Robyn
Day 3 - Handmade 4 U (hat)
45 catss99
Day 4 - Danielle Todd (Coffee Cuff)
29 Nancy 15 Trish
31 Boutique Karma
Day 5- XOXO Cupcake (headband)
25 littledeadmommy
Day 6- Boutique Karma (bobo bag)
8 Sara S

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